Buffalo Wild Wings Spot
Back in March I got a call to work on a couple of Buffalo Wild Wings spots with Jon Nowak of 8th Street, through Space 150 (agency). We were tasked with lighting Mariucci Arena at the University of Minnesota, a huge ice arena, shooting one spot on the ice and then moving at lunch upstairs to shoot another spot. Mike Handley was our gaffer and Peter Clemence our Key Grip and together they (and their hard working team) pulled it all off. Geoff Haas was my 1st AC and Erica Wollmering was our 2nd AC and Ryan Johnson was our DIT.
We had to let the stadium fall off to blackness because we only had 40 extras, but it also gave us a look I really wanted.
I'm proud of what we pulled off in a half day on this spot, take a look! (we did not shoot the food items if you were wondering)